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A Journey through Kamilla's pregnancy

At the time of writing this our beautiful Kamilla is due to have her litter in 3 days time. We decided to share her pregnancy progress in photos and measurements, so you can have a better idea how their bodies and lifestyle changes.



Week 3

1/3 way into her pregnancy and you could hardly spot any changes at all. Kamilla's biggest tell all is her increased appetite. She happily comes back for seconds. These photos were taken exactly 21 days after ovulation. The fetuses are about 5-10 millimeters in length and will grow to 14-15 millimeters in the coming week. Puppies' organs start to develop.


Week 4

This week we finally noticed the swelling of her mammary glands. Puppies are now about 1.5 cm in size and their hearts start to beat. Whiskers, paws and toes start to develop and their eyes are formed.

Circumference last rib (CLR): 62 cm

Circumference before back legs (CBBL): 51 cm


Week 5

We can finally see physical changes in Kamilla, her belly is definitely getting bigger now. Only 28 days until the puppies are born. Puppies are now 3 centimeters! The development of the organs is almost done. The fetuses are less vulnerable to outside influences.  The puppies are protected by their own individual sacks.

On the drawing below you can see how the puppies are placed inside the belly in the uterine horns.

The teeth, whiskers and paws are in development and the eyes close. Kamilla is still energetic, but not as rambunctious in her playtime. As the pregnancy progresses she will slow down even more. 

CLR: 64 cm

CBBL: 53 cm

Screen Shot 2021-10-15 at 10.42.25 AM.png

Week 6

Only 3 weeks till delivery, and Kamila's belly is definitely taking shape. Her last nipples are now quite enlarged. This week puppies weigh about 6 grams and measure 4.5 cm. Imagine that in only 3 weeks their average weight at birth will be 260 grams! That is some serious growing. From this moment up until birth growing is all they have left to do. The skeleton will calcify from now on, and the hair, eyelids,  and nails can be seen. The kidneys also start working.

CLR: 67 cm

CBBL: 57 cm


Week 7

Kamilla is a chunky monkey now and her movement has definitely slowed down a lot! Her appetite is slightly decreases as she cant fit as much food in her belly, so she is now fed smaller portions more often throughout the day. Her whelping box is all set and ready to go. Puppies are actively growing and you can even start to notice their movement from the outside.

CLR: 70 cm

CBBL: 59 cm


Week 8

By this time next week we will have puppies! Kamilla is still pretty active considering her size. She has become a very picky eater and we have to entice her with all kinds of delicious mix-ins to eat her kibbles. She surprisingly still lays right on her belly,  guess it doesn't bother her. Puppies are very active and moving around all the time. We don't leave the house anymore, and someone is always with her just in case she goes into labour early.

CLR: 72 cm

CBBL: 60.5 cm

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