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Grooming Your Frenchie


Bathing Your Frenchie

The soft, smooth short coat of a Frenchie is easily

maintained in a glossy condition with occassional

bathing in a quality dog shampoo. Unless you share

your bed with a Frenchie (a lot do) a fortnightly bath

is usually enough.

Don't use people shampoo as it is the wrong PH balance

for your dogs skin. Everytime you wash your Frenchie

you are removing the natural oils from the coat and

skin so a good reason not to over do the shampooing.

The more you wash your dog the more shedding of hair

occurs. If your frenchie is prone to itchy

scratchiness don't over do the shampooing.

The usual rule is to dilute 1 part shampoo to 10 parts

of water and apply to the dogs skin. Straight shampoo

on the skin results in dandruff 1 or 2 days later and

an itchy scratchy dog.Rinse the coat well with clean

water to remove shampoo.

Medicated shampoos are usually applied straight from

the bottle and not diluted follow directions on the


A pied Frenchie will benefit with a whitening (purple or blue) shampoo to make the coat whiter than white. 

Healthy coats are free of excessive oiliness, redness, parasites, and there should be no bald patches of hair loss. It is normal for dogs to have a hair shedding cycle.


Facial Wrinkles 

The facial creases of your Frenchie need to be kept clean and dry in between bathing.  A wipe when needed with a soft damp cloth to remove dirt and examine the skin is beneficial for your dog. Don't leave the area to get sore and red before attending to your dogs needs. Apply gentle soothing creams to the creases if the need arises. A medicated shampoo used directly onto the creases will kill bacteria if the area is red and sore, but be careful not to get it into the eyes of your dog.


To get rid of tear stains on a light colored Frenchie we use a product called Eye Envy.

















Frequently check your dogs’ paws. The thick, pigmented, tough footpads are excellent shock absorbers. Since your dog walks ‘barefoot’ and this is a very moist area, the inter-digital area can be easily irritated. If your frenchie is constantly licking it's feet, if left unchecked the area between the toes and under the paws will become inflammed.

You will need to treat the area with a medicated shampoo from the vet, possibly washing the feet every 3 days until the condition settles. Leave shampoo on for 10 minutes then rinse and dry well. We would use a powder such as CURE RASH (baby product) for a final dust of the feet after bathing to make sure the paws are completely dry. The irritation is usually set off by wet grass.  All dogs can be irritated by wet grass it is not solely a "Frenchie" thing. 


Your Frenchies’ whiskers are long, stiff hairs located on the muzzle, upper eyelids and cheeks. They are used as feelers and are especially handy for navigation at night or in dark areas. Show dogs commonly have these whiskers trimmed for presentation in the ring. It  doesn't hurt the dog to remove the whiskers. As a pet owner you may like to leave these untrimmed. 

Nail Care

Nail clipping is ideally done immediately after giving your French Bulldog a bath.  Your dog will hopefully be calm and relaxed from the bath, and a relaxed dog is easier to clip.  Make sure you have treats on hand, and praise the dog for behaving well.

Here are a few tips that might help:

  • Start by checking to make sure your equipment is in excellent working order.  If you are using clippers, make sure they are sharp and well-oiled.  If you are using a nail grinder, test it before using it on your dog.

  • Begin by massaging your Frenchie’s  paws, and looking at the paw pads, to see if there are any issues (sores, excess dryness, etc).

  • Give your dog a small treat, and praise him or her for staying still.

  • Take a front paw and squeeze it gently to push the nail away from the quick.

  • Take great care not to cut too far down.  Cutting too closely will hurt your Frenchie, and cause the quick to start bleeding.

  • Have styptic powder on hand, just in case there is some bleeding.

  • When you have finished the first paw, go to the other front paw, and repeat the process.

  • Finally work back to each hind paw.

  • Praise your dog for a job well done.

If you do not feel comfortable with how to clip your French bulldog’s nails, take your dog to a professional groomer, and ask him or her to show you how to clip the nails without hurting the dog.

Ear Cleaning

As all dogs should have their ears cleaned regularly, it should be part of your regular grooming routine. The best place to clean your dog’s ears is in the tub or outside, and you should do it at least once a month.

Here’s a step-to-step guide on how to go about cleaning your dog’s ears:


Step 1: Before you start getting your hands dirty, make sure you have a good idea of how dirty your dog’s ears are, or if he or she has excess hair. If your dog has a lot of hair coming out of his or her ear canal, that hair may need to be plucked.

Step 2: Begin by holding your dog’s ear flap up and squirting a few drops of cleanser on the inside of the flap near the ear opening. If you are using a homemade solution, it is helpful to invest in a squeeze bottle with a tip that is about an inch long.

Step 3: Gently place the tip of the bottle into your dog’s ear and give it a gentle squeeze. Don’t exert a lot of force when squeezing the cleanser into the ear.

Step 4: Before your dog starts to shake its head, massage the base of your dog’s ear so you can loosen the ear debris.

Step 5: Once your dog has a good shake, use a cotton pad or gauze to wipe out the ear canal. Then, use cotton-tipped applicators to clean stubborn debris out of the ridges.

Remember: When your dog shakes its head, the ear debris and cleaner will have to go somewhere, so wrap a towel around your fur baby to keep him or her clean and dry. You may also want a towel to keep you dry!

Step 6: Repeat the process on the other side. Finish by wiping away any visible debris and dry your dog’s head off.

Step 7: Reward your dog with a treat.

Veterinary Advice on Cleaning your Frenchie's ears
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